Neverosimil, acest Mitica fara frica (de ridicol) ajunsese sa tina cursuri si pe la una dintre facultatile din Universitate. Da, la un curs din asta a vorbit el odata, sacadat si plicticos, despre cate tipuri de nave conducatoare au identificat niste cercetatori scandinavi.
La vremea aia evident ca facem misto de tampitelul asta.
Dar stiti ceva? Omul asta intuia ca problema noastra in Romania e legata de insuficienta (institutionala?) de a ne asuma responsabilitati. Ca in orice tara saraca, si Romania suferea de absenta liderilor politici responsabili, vizionari si curajosi, onesti si inspirationali, care stimuleaza societatea civila si inteleg importanta domniei legii. Oameni care construiesc institutii moderne, care sfideaza traditionalismul retelelor de interese personale.
Despre lucrile astea scrie si in FT azi, pe pagina doi, in josul paginii (President's Address Leadership key in poor nations, says Wolfowitz
O sa citez cateva fragmente care mi se par ilustrative:
On leadership and accountability, Mr Wolfowitz stressed the need to address corruption and to strengthen checks and balances on governments, including civil society groups and the free press.
"We know that sustained economic growth is essential for development and reducing poverty," he said, adding that there was a range of factors affecting growth that was too often discounted or dismissed as "soft".
"Sustainable development depends as much on leadership and accountability, on civil society and women, on the private sector and on the rule of law, as much as it does on labour or capital," he said.
He stressed the importance of improving women's access to education, health and credit, adding that civil society groups had an important role to play in building a bridge between citizens and their governments. Strengthening the rule of law and judicial institutions was also crucial for encouraging increased investment in developing countries.
Mr Wolfowitz said he was encouraged by signs of improving leadership in Africa. "Africans are stepping up to their responsibilities and taking charge of their future. A new generation of African leaders is setting examples by stepping down when their terms of office end or when they are voted out."
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