miercuri, ianuarie 18, 2006

El si Ea

Te gandesti ce conflicte ideologice, ce discutii in contradictoriu au avut intre ei!

El, mare om de stanga, dedicat tarii. Un om generos, vandut poporului care l'a ridicat, oamenilor muncii de la sate si orase, avand un ochi deschis si prietenos si pentru initiativa privata, dar si mare grija ca nimeni sa nu fie nedreptatit cumva. Un om intre oameni, bun si sincer, aproape naiv si copilaros, dar totusi foarte inteligent si vizionar, pe nedrept invins de un batjocoritor, un player inrait si betivan si mitocan.

Ea, capitalista veroasa si clarvazatoare, inconjurata de matusi nonagenare care citesc piata in cafea si agrega capital pentru investitii cu return colosal, de secol 19 in america industrializatoare, in no time.

Cate dojeni trebuie sa'i fi facut el, cu vocea lui calda si privirea sincera, si cat de surda va fi fost ea...

Ce iubire... o iubire care leaga!

luni, ianuarie 16, 2006

A story

The snow had fallen for days already when Dick and Bob decided for a skiing weekend. Minutes later, Dick was behind the wheel, driving up north from Calgary, Alberta. They were barely moving on the slow lane when Bob said ‘Dick, be careful, I think this car is gonna roll’. Seconds later, the bulky, flashy dark silver SUV that had just overtaken their rusty Chevy took a sudden turn to the left, hit the fence, then spin out and skidded and eventually left the roadway, then rolled several times before smashing a large billboard. The car was a wreck when it eventually stopped spinning around, its wheels upside down, and deep in snow.

The girl had her face covered in blood, but was alive. Her dog was apparently dead, though. Dick thought she’s too young and pretty to die like that, and wished he could do more than calling 911 and waiting for the paramedics… His hands moved quickly as he did all he could to stop the bleeding. Poor thing! He felt strange the whole weekend, and could not stop thinking about what had happened on that Friday evening.

A few years later, Dick was sipping coffee in a cafeteria in Ciudad de Mexico, when she asked smiling ‘mind if I sit here, cowboy?’ Haven’t I seen this beautiful woman before? She introduced herself. ‘I’m waiting for the lineups, I run tomorrow’ she added. They both had signed up for this year’s marathon and were obviously looking forward to it. She was Canadian, and was born and raised in Calgary too. It turned out that they were actually neighbors; she had just rented close to his place, days ago. ‘I had a terrible accident a few years back, and spent many months in the hospital, then in a wheelchair. I was not sure whether I could run again’. ‘Dick, I am so happy to be here, enjoying this sunny day!’ His face was violently pale by now. ‘I was actually very lucky’, she said gravely; ‘the doctors said I would have not survived had not been for a rather skilled young man' that she 'never had a chance to meet’. ‘Until now’ he muttered.

They married in Verona.

duminică, ianuarie 15, 2006

Jailhouse rock

Tot citind in stanga si in dreapta articole de presa despre diversi coate-goale iuti de mana si tari de gura, iacata ajunsi putred de bogati in cativa ani de invarteli, rasuceli si pularit* prin politichie, si vazand ca incepe sa dea din fese si justitia noastra, aparent timid-fata-mare, dar totusi kind of kinky, ma gandesc ca parca-parca incepe sa'i arda pielea pe jmenarii astia care s'au invartit asa bine!

Acu, stand pe'o rana si mestecandu'mi popcornu', ma intreb: taica, cum ar fi daca am vedea prin puscarii vreo duzina de fetze d'astea grase, cu multiple gusi si matusi? Wishful thinking, zici?

Astia care au dat cep Romaniei au prins shpilul urmator: vii cu tupeu maxim, stai cu ochii beliti bine si urechile palnie, esti pe faza la tot ce misca, nu scapi sau lasi nimic si indosariezi tot ce'ti trece prin maini, esti pe telefon non-stop, nu lipsesti de la nici un talk show la care esti macar semi-invitat, te bagi in absolut orice combinatie din care sare paraiu', cat de mic, cand se cere minti de ingheata apele, dar nu eziti o clipa sa o intorci oricand din condei sau din buze, fara cea mai mica jena, razi pe fata si scuipi pe la spate, in sfarsit, faci politica de dambovitza, tata, si la sfarsit tragi linia: case, pamanturi, conturi, masini, motociclete. Tot ce poti prinde. Te bucuri de viata, bagi chiolhanuri, veselie si prietenie cu toti greii si grelele pamantului...

Zi'le lautare, baga maneaua pe suflet!, sau, dupa caz, sa cante simfoneaua, hali'v'as paraua publica...

Dar o fac pe barba lor, nu? Cum se intampla, s'ar putea sa nu scape de zeghe, pana la urma. C'asa'i in viata - sic transit gloria mundi... Eu unul le doresc o puscarie cat mai racoroasa. Daca se poate, pe viata lor!

*placeholder pentru ce vreti domniile voastre.

