Romania has accomplished progresses concerning the fulfilment of the commitments undertaken in the accession process to the European Union, and the clear and encouraging message that we send is that the Romanian authorities continue the implementation of the reforms in the field of Judiciary System and fight against corruption, has declared today the European Commissioner for Enlargement, Mr. Ollie Rehn.Saracu' nea Oli, mult aer in piept trebuie sa'si fi tras inainte sa comita cea mai de lemn fraza a vietii lui. Hm, dar sa nu ne lasam trasi pe sfoara. Acest text a fost scris (cu picioarele) in romaneste si tradus (cu dosu') in engleza. Sau pe'acolo. Mai selectez cateva perle presarate de vorovitorii de inglezo-lemnoasa de la
We have no time to loss. Each day, each month, are essentials for the fulfilment of the commitments.Asa e, chiar sunteti at loss. Could not agree more, dude.
"We wanted to underline that were made through the points signalled in the warning letter, that the European Commission has sent to us. Was necessary such a presentation because the communication element is essential in which concern the commitments undertaken," asserted the Premier.Avem aici lemn de esenta foarte tare. Chestia cu 'signalled' si 'warning' imi aduce aminte de trainspotting. Da' despre asta, altadata. Cred ca si voi tot la altadata va gandeati, nu?
This visit was established some weeks ago, before the last evolutions on the Romanian scene. For this reason, the Premier has considered necessary this visit as Romania transmits the message that it is determinate to continue the integration process, apart from the evolution of the politics.Misto zis. Yeap, apart indeed.
Ce sa'i faci, neiculitza mama... La omu' sarac, nici boii nu trag.
2 comentarii:
Hahahaha :) Thanks, m-am amuzat copios! Nu mi-am putut inchipui ca documentele oficiale se pot scrie si in engleza de balta...
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